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Our Services

Thank you for your interest in my posing packages! I am an IFBB Pro, IFBB Pro League Judge, NPC National and Head Judge, and NPC District Vice Chair. I bring almost 15 years of posing coaching experience to these sessions. 


When I started competing, I was terrified of the stage. I remember shaking SO much when I stepped out into those lights the first time. Now, it is absolutely my favorite thing about competing, and I LOVE teaching it! I LOVE the confidence a perfect pose can bring to one’s stage experience, and know (from an extensive judging background) exactly what the judges are looking for, what ‘to do’ and what ‘not to do’. 

I am confident we can get you to stage bringing your best posing – all you have to do is the work 😊  

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Posing Rates


  • All posing sessions are 30 minutes and will be done via zoom.

  • All posing sessions have a 24-hour cancellation policy; if you fail to show up to scheduled session and did not cancel at least 24 hours in advance, the session will be counted as used (no exceptions). 

  • Packages of 5 or more sessions automatically include ONE zoom/FaceTime session the day before or morning of your show (if you choose to do this, it is not required) for a last minute touch up.)

  • Packages of 5 or more do include the availability of sending videos in between sessions to make sure your practicing correctly. 

  • If you are in a division that requires a routine to your own music, I will help with the routine with any purchase. HOWEVER, if you want full help in actually creating a routine, this requires a 10 session package purchase. 

  • If I will be judging the show you are looking at competing in, I will not be able to work with you for posing in that show. 

  • The 1-time physique/posing assessment requires at least 1, and up to 3, posing videos sent to me, (I will request more if needed) and I will get you a detailed loom response within 7 business days. 

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1 Physique/posing critique

1 time assessment of current physique and posing breakdown/critique (See above for more details)



The following show package pricing. Message above to purchase and check availability. 

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